Rudolf’s passion for film was ignited early on, voraciously taking in as many films as possible under the counter in his mother’s video store as a child. After beginning his studies in philosophy at the University of Szeged in Hungary, he went on to graduate from the prestigious University of Theatre, Film and Television in Budapest as a director and DOP. He got his start shooting and directing music videos, organically making his way into the commercial space working with such top brands as McDonald’s, Tesco and Vodafone. Throughout his career, he has experimented with different narrative methods to develop a focused vision and unique storytelling style.

Rudolf’s work isfilled with humanity, a great visual sensibility and consistently wonderful storytelling. He is known for his visually rich narratives and experimentation with different storytelling styles. He has worked internationally, directing commercials for renowned brands such as Telekom, Vodafone, Telenor, Nespresso, Tesco, and Audi. His spot for the Kraken Rum was shortlisted by the Shots Awards 2023 and the British Arrows 2024